Sunday, December 7, 2008

Great Frugal Books!

Since I've become addicted, I decided to read about more ways to find how to save more and more money on everyday things. So far, I've found:

  • Frugal Living For Dummies - Who can go wrong with the Dummies series? It had ways to save on family things to finding things for your house to what to stock up on during the year depending whats in season!
  • Cheap Talk with the Frugal Friends, By Angie Zalewski and Denna Ricks. - I just received this book in the mail, and thumbed through it a bit. I love reading on how different people save their ways. Maybe its something I can use myself!

I know theres so many books out there on the subject, so if you have found a great one, please leave me a comment or drop me an email! I'm always looking for recommendations!!

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