Friday, December 12, 2008

Price Book!

Have you thought you'd gotten a good deal on an item then realized you didn't?
I have just started my own price book. I already love it! Never heard of one? A price book is a book you use to track prices for items you purchace regularly like milk, eggs, and items along those lines that you and your family eats every day.

To start, find out what you want to keep your price book in. Mine is in a little notebook that fits in my purse and planner. Next, if you save your recent recipts, take a look at those. If you can remember, also write down the ounces, gallons, count, and liters that were in the product. To make sure your getting a great price, you will want to check the unit price. This is the price of the item divided by the amount.

Your job is next time you go to the store, check the price of the items and the amount in the item and write it down. You can either write it in pencil so its able to be eraced everytime you find a better price, or like me, I write it in pen so I can see if its going up and down, expecially in this time right now.

I also made a few codes to write next to the items in my price book such has stores I go to. My price book is also divided by sections.

:) Enjoy watching your grocery bill go down and down!!

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